MPI-CSL Research metadata

Title OU Resource type DOI
The Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic for Crime in Southwest Germany COVID-19-KRIM Independent Research Group Space, Contexts, and Crime Dataset/administrative 10.57801/17fr-za05
Crime, Insecurities, and Social Dynamics in Urban Neighborhoods crime-insecurities-neighbourhoods Independent Research Group Space, Contexts, and Crime Dataset/Survey 10.57801/k6ay-vw92
Virtual Reality Burglary and Sex Offender Project (VRBSOP) VRBSOP Department of Criminology Dataset/Virtual reality experimental 10.57801/5e5w-yp36
To be the partner in crime: Unethical loyalty in an online setting partner-in-crime Independent Research Group Personality, Identity, and Crime Dataset/Survey 10.57801/mdcv-ef10
Emotions and Decision Making in Real-World Settings virtual-pub-night Department of Criminology Dataset/Virtual reality experimental n/a
How redemptive narratives shape prosocial behavior stories-prosocial-behavior Independent Research Group Personality, Identity, and Crime Dataset/Survey 10.57801/785v-tf44
Criminal Sanctions and Recidivism criminal-sanctions-recidivism Department of Criminology Dataset/administrative 10.57801/q7rx-e117
Trait honesty, dishonest behavior, and the justifiability of lying honesty-dishonesty-and-justifiability-of-lying Independent Research Group Personality, Identity, and Crime Dataset/Survey 10.57801/ty09-mj65
Freiburg Cohort Study FreiburgerKohorte Department of Criminology Dataset/administrative 10.57801/m0st-x004
The core tendencies underlying individual differences in prosocial behavior - WP1 core-tendencies-prosocial-behavior Independent Research Group Personality, Identity, and Crime Dataset/experimental 10.57801/d8vk-qy91
KNOW-THYSELF - Work package 1 know-thyself-wp1 Independent Research Group Personality, Identity, and Crime Other/Project n/a
MAXLab Aggression and Bystander Intervention Scenario Set maxlab-abiss Department of Criminology Other/Project 10.57801/4j44-rz73
Virtual Burglary Project – Pennsylvania virtual-burglary-Penn Department of Criminology Dataset/Virtual Reality Experiment 10.57801/nkn8-0s33
Individual differences in selective prosociality selective-prosociality Independent Research Group Personality, Identity, and Crime Other/Project n/a
Who helps whom, when, and why? (Part 1: Sampling helping situations) 3-steps-project_part1 Independent Research Group Personality, Identity, and Crime Other/Project n/a