Project title

KNOW-THYSELF - Work package 1



DOI Not registered yet
Resource type Other / Project
Timeframe 2022 – ongoing
Organization Independent Research Group Personality, Identity, and Crime (IRGPIC)
  • Casali, Nicole Email Senior Researcher Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law
  • Seidl, Alicia Doctoral Researcher Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law

The first work package (WP1) of the KNOW-THYSELF project aims to identify the most effective method to increase self-knowledge about trait morality, defined as the general tendency to think, feel, and act according to ethical principles, and to investigate the potential of increasing self-knowledge about trait morality to instill desires to become more moral. In a first study, we tested how well one of the most commonly applied methods for increasing self-knowledge – personality feedback – is received and what reactions it elicits in recipients. In subsequent studies, we will investigate the impact of different types of personality feedback as well as of introspection on individuals’ motivation to change.

Keywords morality personality personality feedback self-knowledge